Sunday 4 July 2010

Do Lecture Ideas Rough

Idea 1: 'The Treasure'
There is a camera shot of a small patch of grass, the camera does not move from this spot. You see a spade come into the shotdigging up the ground with the audio of hard work digging and digging away. The uncovered turf then reveals a treasure map old looking piece of paper or card with the 'DO Lectures' logo. The idea came to me as I was thinking along the lines of 'Finding your DO' i thought also about having to work hard to find it and this idea came to me. You hear the effort being made by the man/woman digging away and the hard work going into actually DOing something and achieveing the goal at the end.

Idea 2: 'Famous Quotes'
This was my idea to work with quotes from people about achieving success, driving to be the best you can, inspirational speakers etc. I wouldn't quite know how to display this, I would maybe use typography on screen but I haven't quite thought it through.

Idea 3: 'The Seed'
The inspiration for this was how big things can grow from something small just like a seed or a successful company from just an idea. The idea is to show a small seed in the ground developing into a plant then a tree and the shape of this tree spells out 'DO' with a good tagline, something cheesy like 'Plant the seed and watch it grow' or 'A small idea has a big future'. I also wanted to work strangely with a photocopier to make this animation, I like the look of a photocopier the way it leaves random tones on the paper or over expresses certain marks. I would work in layers of paper and acitate to make this work.

Idea 4: 'My Business'
This was an idea to relate to the minds that will be visiting these lectures and I thought about talking about how I got started with my own business, short snappy sentances lasting 15 seconds to say what I have done to get myself started. The visuals would show myself on one side of the screen talking away and a blank other half of the screen with pictures popping up relating to what i'm talking about. then finish with a line like 'Get out and DO'. I will still have to get my thinking cap on.

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